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Selected Scholarly Work
[150+ articles and book chapters]
* = student co-author
2024.04: Schwartzman, R. (2024). Cultivating epistemic and argumentative resilience to reduce vaccine hesitancy. In D. M. Berube (Ed.), Pandemic resilience: Vaccination resistance and hesitance, lessons from COVID-19 (pp. 519-533). Springer Nature.
2024.03: Schwartzman, R. (2024). Vaccinations in the shadow of eugenics. In D. M. Berube (Ed.), Pandemic resilience: Vaccination resistance and hesitance, lessons from COVID-19 (pp. 17-27). Springer Nature.
2024.02: Schwartzman, R. (2024). The universal audience: Ideological construct or counter-ideological tool? In R. C. Rus (Ed.), Current progress in arts and social studies research, vol. 4 (pp. 87-104). BP International.
2024.01: Schwartzman, R., Simon, J. M., & Zuckerman Hyman, C. (2024). Confronting conundrums of care in college student advising. In C.-P. M. Ballester (Ed.), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Gender Research (pp. 356-363). Reading, UK: Academic Conferences and Publishing International.
* = student co-author
2023.03: Schwartzman, R., & Marchena, E.* (2023). Rebooting or regressing? Communication centers and peer mentoring in the introductory communication course. Communication Center Journal, 9(1), 60-77.
Undergraduate student co-author
An earlier version of this paper won the 2023 Joyce Ferguson Outstanding Faculty Paper Award at the National Association of Communication Centers conference.
Research funded by a Chancellor’s Innovation Grant to Improve Student Retention and Success
2023.02: Schwartzman, R. (2023, Dec.). How educational leaders can cultivate resilience. .Ed Magazine, Issue 4: Educational Leadership and Management.
International, peer reviewed
Featured as spotlight article in global Transform.ed Briefing #66 (18 April 2024)
2023.01: Schwartzman, R., & Simon, J. (2023). Weaponizing resilience: Women in the trenches and fringes of pandemic pedagogy. In S. Moffett, S. Barrett, & A. Reid (Eds.), Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Gender Research (pp. 208-214). Reading, UK: Academic Conferences and Publishing International.
* = student co-author
2022.03: Schwartzman, R. (2022). Hurling headlong into headship: Navigating precarity amid converging crises. In A. T. Kemp & N. D. Hartlep (Eds.), What the hell was I thinking? Reflections, ruminations, and revelations on being a department chair (pp. 151-158). DIO Press. ISBN 978-1-64504-269-3 (Paperback); 978-1-64504-270-9 (Hardback); 978-1-64504-271-6 (E-Book)
2022.02: Jovanovic, S., Schwartzman, R., LeGreco, M., Damasceno, C. S., Kinefuchi, E., Poulos, C. N., & Simon, J. (2022). Cultivate resilient communities: Report of UNC Greensboro’s campus-community partnerships. National Communication Association Center for Communication, Community Collaboration, and Change.
2022.01: Schwartzman, R. (2022). Beyond basic: Transformational potential of pandemic pedagogy. Basic Communication Course Annual, 34, Article 13, 143-152.
Open access URL
Journal's all-time #1 most popular article (average daily downloads) within 1 week of publication
* = student co-author
2021.05: Schwartzman, R. (2021). Unpacking privilege in pandemic pedagogy: Social media debates on power dynamics of online education. Journal of Communication Pedagogy, 5, 17-24.
Open access URL
Journal's all-time #1 most popular article (average daily downloads) within 1 week of publication
Journal's most downloaded article of 2021
2021.04: Schwartzman, R. (2021). Risky Jews: Understanding antisemitic communication through a social intuition framework. In L. Shedletsky (ed.), Rationalist bias in communication theory (pp. 155-171). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
2021.03: Schwartzman, R. (2021). Trumping reason: Political communication in the post-truth era. In L. Shedletsky (ed.), Rationalist bias in communication theory (pp. 269-295). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
2021.02: Schwartzman, R., & Simon, J. S. (2021). COVIDiots and cogency: Heuristic dynamics of defying pandemic health measures. In L. Shedletsky (ed.), Rationalist bias in communication theory (pp. 62-85). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
2021.01: Jovanovic, S., Damasceno, C. S., & Schwartzman, R. (2021). Engaging Generation Z with communication’s civic commitments. In R. Robinson (Ed.), Communication instruction and the Gen Z classroom: Educational explorations (pp. 129-147). Lanham, MD: Lexington.
* = student co-author
2020.07: Schwartzman, R. (2020). Rehumanizing the alien “invaders”: How testimony can counteract xenophobia. International Journal of Communication and Media Studies, 10(6), 5-12.
2020.06: Schwartzman, R. (2020). (Re)mediating Holocaust survivor testimony. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 7(12), 68-80.
2020.05: Schwartzman, R. (2020). The (post-)pandemic academic: Re-forming communication studies. Carolinas Communication Annual, 36, 1-8. [lead article]
2020.04: Schwartzman, R. (2020). Performing pandemic pedagogy. Communication Education, 69(4), 502-517. [lead article, special section on education during the COVID-19 pandemic]
Open access URL
Journal's most read article of 2020
Journal's most cited article 2020-2023
#11 all-time most read article in journal
2020.03: Schwartzman, R., & Wesley, D.* (2020). Feminizing resilience: Transcending toughness in testimonies of Jewish Holocaust survivors. In K. Jones, C. Collins, M. Davies, M. D. Giust, & G. James (Eds.), Proceedings of the third international conference on gender research (pp. 228-234). Reading, UK: Academic Conferences and Publishing International.
2020.02: Schwartzman, R., & Ferraro, B.* (2020). People with disabilities in oral communication centers: Pathways toward acknowledgment and engagement. Education, 141(1), 21-30.
2020.01: Schwartzman, R., Forslund, E.*, Bolin, C.*, Thomas, A.*, Pettigrew, E.*, & Ray, R.* (2020). Communication centers as wellsprings of community engagement and collaborative research. College Student Journal, 54(2), 187-198.
* = student co-author
2019.04: Schwartzman, R., Kirchoff, B. K., & Cuny K. M. (2019). Roles of communication centers in communicating science: A multi-disciplinary forum. Communication Center Journal, 5(1), 81-101.
2019.03: Schwartzman, R., & Boger, K. A.* (2019). How international students using communication centers navigate locus of control. In V. Hus (Ed.), Perspectives of arts and social studies, vol. 3 (pp. 36-48). London: Science Domain International. ISBN 978-93-89246-14-8 (print), 978-93-89246-51-3 (ebook) DOI: 10.9734/bpi/pass/v3. Video synopsis
2019.02: Olson, L. N., & Schwartzman, R. (2019). Child sexual predators’ luring communication goes online: Reflections and future directions. In E. P. Downs (Ed.), The dark side of media and technology: A 21st century guide to media and technological literacy (pp. 154-166). New York: Peter Lang.
2019.01: Schwartzman, R. (2019). Beyond survival: Navigating women’s personal narratives of sexual violence in the Holocaust. In P. Paoloni, M. Paoloni, & S. Arduini (eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Gender Research (pp. 569-575). Reading, UK: Academic Conferences and Publishing International.
* = student co-author
2018.03: Schwartzman, R., & Simon, J. S. (2018). Trump in the land of Oz: Pathologizing Hillary Clinton and the feminine body. In C. A. Kray, T. W. Carroll, & H. Mandell (Eds.), Nasty women and bad hombres: Historical reflections on the 2016 Presidential election (pp. 42-59). Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press.
2018.02: Schwartzman, R., & Simon, J. S. (2018). Donald Trump, “sick” women's bodies, and the wizardry of (Dr.) Oz. In A. Azevedo & A. Mesquita (Eds.), Proceedings of the international conference on gender research (pp. 399-406). Reading, UK: Academic Conferences and Publishing International. [ISSN 2048-9803]
2018.01: Schwartzman, R., von Schmude, C.*, & Brewer, C. J.* (2018). How Holocaust survivors in the United States and Germany respond to Holocaust denial. In Y. Kamalipour (ed.), Global discourse in fractured times (pp. 196-212). Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
* = student co-author
2017.06: Schwartzman, R., & Boger, K. E.* (2017). Masters of fate or victims of circumstance? Connecting communication centers with locus of control. Communication Center Journal, 3(1), 3-22.
2017.05: Schwartzman, R. (2017). Building on our legacies: A forum of prospective retrospectives. Carolinas Communication Annual, 33, 1-11.
2017.04: Schwartzman, R. (2017). Using data mining in online basic communication courses: Diagnosing student needs and activating communication centers. In Т.А. Yarkov (Ed.), Pedagogy and psychology at the intersection of science and practice (pp. 26-32). Tyumen, Russia: Tyumen State University. ISBN 978-5-85944-355-0
2017.03: Schwartzman, R., & Boger, K. E.* (2017). Locus of control synergies in new language learning and cultural adaptation: A communication center perspective. British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioural Science 21(1): 1-13.
DOI: 10.9734/BJESBS/2017/34367
2017.02: Schwartzman, R. (2017). Unma(s)king education in the image of business: A vivisection of educational consumerism. Cultural Studies/Critical Methodologies, 17(4), 333-346.
2017.01: Schwartzman, R., & Sieczkowski, R.* (2017). Communicate confidently in the electronic age: A guide for millennials. In E. F. Desnoyers-Colas (Ed.), Raising our voices, communicating our existence: A public speaking anthology for the millennial generation. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt. [ebook]
* = student co-author
2016.09: Schwartzman, R. (2016). Transformation of persecution in Holocaust survivor testimonies. In P. M. Kellett & T. G. Matyok (Eds.), Transforming conflict through communication in personal, family, and working relationships (pp. 65-82). Lanham, MD: Lexington.
2016.08: Schwartzman, R., McCall, J. D., & Cuny, K. M. (2016). The process of public speaking. In S. M. Clency (Ed.), Foundations for learning at UNCG (pp. 129-149). Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt.
2016.07: Schwartzman, R. (2016). Reconsidering educational consumerism. Academic Exchange Quarterly, 20(2), 60-67. Also in S. Pec (Ed.), Scholarship of teaching & learning, part II. Sound Instruction Book, vol. 12 (pp. 50-57). Stuyvesant Falls, NY: Rapid Intellect Group. [ISBN 0-9709895-1-12]
2016.06: Kellett, P. M., Schwartzman, R., & Carlone, D. A.. (2016). Bangalore to Bengaluru—Garden City to Silicon Valley: Scenes from a rapidly changing and conflicted city space. In W. Jia (Ed.), Intercultural communication: Adapting to emerging global realities (pp. 137-156). San Diego, CA: Cognella.
2016.05: Schwartzman, R., & Sanchez, R.* (2016). Communication centers as sites of identity (re)negotiation. College Student Journal, 50(1) 35-46.
2016.04: Schwartzman, R., & Moore, C.* (2016). Obstacles and opportunities in implementing e-portfolios. Proceedings of the Hawaii university international conference on arts, humanities, social sciences, and education. Honolulu, HI: HUIC. [ISSN 21629188 (CD ROM); 2162917X (online)]
2016.03: Schwartzman, R. (2016). Anti-semitism as aestheticized science: Using classical rhetorical theory to interpret Nazi racial doctrines. In Proceedings of the Hawaii international conference on arts and humanities (pp. 784-807). Honolulu, HI: HICAH. [ISSN: 1541-5899]
2016.02: Schwartzman, R. (2016). Taming the email monster in online basic communication courses. Proceedings of the Hawaii university international conference on arts, humanities, social sciences, and education. Honolulu, HI: HUIC. [ISSN 21629188 (CD ROM); 2162917X (online)]
2016.01: Schwartzman, R., & Blankenship, C.* (2016). Individualizing success through surveillance: Undercover boss and the rehabilitation of corporate capitalism. In Proceedings of the Hawaii international conference on arts and humanities (pp. 808-825). Honolulu, HI: HICAH. [ISSN: 1541-5899]

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