Courses Taught
Note: Names of courses may vary according to the term or the university where they are taught. The course titles listed below are the most commonly used.
Fundamentals of Oral Communication (comprehensive introductory performance course covering public speaking, interviewing, group communication, interpersonal communication)
Communication Theory (graduate & undergraduate)
History of Rhetorical Theory (graduate & undergraduate)
Voices of the Holocaust
Witnessing the Holocaust (honors)
The Holocaust, Prejudice, and Social Justice (graduate)
Genocide Watch (honors)
Rhetoric of Science & Technology (honors)
Science Fiction Film (graduate & undergraduate)
Introduction to Debate
Policy Debate (honors)
Business & Professional Communication
Persuasion (graduate & undergraduate)
Mythic Analysis (graduate)
American Public Address (graduate & undergraduate)
Classical Rhetoric
Senior Capstone
Pandemic Communication
Rhetoric & Public Argument (graduate)
Political Communication
Communication Research Methods (graduate)
Communication Ethics
Battling Bigotry (graduate & undergraduate)
Marxist Critical Analysis (graduate)

Allied Disciplines
Composition I
Composition II
Introduction to Literature & the Research Paper
Humanities I
Humanities II
Introduction to Philosophy
Syllabus Storehouse
For more syllabi and teaching materials, visit Dr. Roy's page. Note: Any course materials serve as examples of what has been used and do not necessarily reflect current material for that course.