Dr. Roy Schwartzman is a Full Professor in the Department of Communication and Co-Director of the Campus Writing & Speaking Program in the Office for Faculty Excellence (within the Provost's Office) at North Carolina State University. His 30+ years of award-winning research, teaching, advising, and consulting experience spans community college, honors, undergraduate, graduate, corporate, and community instruction.

Department of Communication
227 Winston Hall, Campus Box 8104
NC State University
Raleigh, NC 27695-8104
phone 919.515.9736 [department]
Roy Schwartzman (Ph.D., University of Iowa) joined the faculty of NC State University as a tenured full professor in 2023. For the previous 17 years, he was a tenured full professor at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG), where he served as Communication Studies Department Head 2019-2023. He is the Principal Investigator of Cultivate Resilient Communities, which established UNCG as the inaugural host of the National Communication Association Center for Communication, Community Collaboration, and Change. He previously served as a faculty member at Northwest Missouri State University, the University of South Carolina, Newberry College, and Ohio University.
Research/Creative Interests
Research Areas
(representative, not exhaustive):
Holocaust and genocide studies
Rhetoric of science, technology, and medicine
Digital communication
Public argumentation
Figurative language
Critical cultural studies
Political communication
Philosophy of communication
Scholarship of teaching and learning
Creative Interests:
In addition to being a prolific scholar, Roy has won scores of literary awards for poetry.